We have 1001 solutions for your waste, how can we help you?
More than 2600 waste streams
Did you know that we treat more than 2600 different waste streams in more than 2,500 ways? The world of waste is complex, let's not hide that. It is also a world we know like no-one else and we would be happy to help you assess your waste. Thanks to our knowledge, we find the best destination for your waste!
tonnes of waste treated annually
of recycling and upgrading
tonnes of new primary materials produced per year
MWh of green energy production every year
Need a free waste scan?
If you would like us to, we can carry out an on-site waste scan that is completely free of charge and of obligation. We put your company's global waste management under the microscope and suggest possible improvements.
Request a quote here
or contact us: +32 (0)56 52 16 21
Discover Vanheede
Vanheede Environment Group does much more than install and empty bins and dumpsters for more than 2,600 waste streams.

Vanheede signs contract with Fost Plus for post-sorting 35,000 tonnes of PMD residue
Waste processor Vanheede Environment Group has obtained a new contract for the processing of PMD waste. Starting...

A new wind turbine at Quévy
Our Renewable Energies Business Unit recently took delivery of a second wind turbine close to our Quévy...

How we address the climate challenge
As Vanheede, we strive for responsible value creation. Sometimes, increasing value is about removing that which is...
Proud of our clients!
Saskia De Block, Colruyt Group
Sustainability has been part of Colruyt Group’s DNA for many years now. Several agricultural projects are in the pipeline so we can continue working towards this in various ways, together with farmers. Natural fertilisation is also of great importance and we are delighted to be able to apply this in practice thanks to our partnership with Vanheede Biomass Solutions.”
To the Colruyt Group case
Greet Arens, supply chain – reception and waste management operations
We are confident that we have gained a knowledgeable partner with regard to processing our waste. Moreover, Vanheede can think along with us and help us evolve along the right lines. For instance, one of our new aims is to eliminate one additional waste stream from our non-recycled waste each year.
To the Fluvius case
University of Mons (UMONS)
Through myVanheede the authorized employees per campus can directly consult the calendar. For example for the Housing department, managing the university student accommodations, this is a huge advantage. They no longer have to contact me to act as an intermediate in case of questions about collections. The daily management consists of a global network of collaborators per site. Thanks to this platform we are now able to work more efficiently.

Pascal Antoin, Country Manager Volvo Group, Non Automotive Purchasing
Vanheede Environment Group is our partner in treating hazardous and non-hazardous substances. Sustainability is a priority for Volvo. We are constantly looking to improve our processes to reduce our mountain of waste. We want remaining material to be treated in the appropriate manner so that it can be reintroduced into industrial processes.
To the Volvo Trucks case
Michel Oosterlinck, Purchasing Manager
VPK Packaging Group, a producer and supplier of sustainable cardboard packaging, works in partnership with Vanheede Environment Group for all its waste streams. Two sustainable companies, coming together through a well thought out, effective approach. The monitoring and reports on myVanheede have become an indispensable work tool

You have come to the right place
As you can see, you have come to the right place for managing your waste. We offer recycling possibilities for almost all waste streams. This is the only way that, together, we can build a circular economy and limit our environmental footprint.

“We are proud to be a sustainable and dynamic family firm that manages to combine a clear strategy, unique knowhow, commitment and sustainable growth.”
David Vanheede, CEO Vanheede Environment Group