Friable asbestos

Bins for Friable asbestos

Friable asbestos

In friable asbestos or free asbestos, the fibres are loose (for example, parts of stoves containing asbestos or insulating plasterboard containing asbestos with hessian around the insulation conduits). So the fibres can easily come free, especially if the material is damaged or handled. Friable asbestos is considered hazardous waste and has to be handled appropriately.

What happens with Friable asbestos

Friable asbestos is considered a hazardous product and cannot be recycled. After secure containment or cementing, asbestos waste is tipped - under strictly controlled conditions - into our own, Category 2, Asbestos Monofill at Rumbeke.

Acceptance conditions

Choose a type of waste to see what is or is not allowed.

More information on suitable bins for Friable asbestos